
Committing 100% to Achieve Your Goals

Try committing 100% to what you want and see the results in your life

If you want anything in your life, and you want to achieve it with as much ease as possible, you have to be in complete alignment with it.  This means, you need to be able to commit 100% to having it .
If reaching your goal isn't 100% congruent with your beliefs, you'll end up sabotaging the results in some way.

As author, Denise Linn is fond of saying, "The soul loves the truth".  So does the rest of our being - from our bodies to our minds.  If we somehow harbor beliefs about whether or not we deserve something, are "good enough" to achieve it, or even that "no one in my family has ever had or done this", we won't be able to accomplish what we set out to do. We'll find ways of sabotaging ourselves.  It can be something as simple as missing an appointment, or not noticing when the perfect opportunity shows up to help you. But by becoming completely in alignment with your goals and desires, you'll find yourself more aware of the steps you need to take. You'll also find there's much less struggle involved.  Suddenly you'll find yourself saying "yes" to a meeting, or proposal that supports what you're trying to accomplish.  If, in the past you had the belief that "I don't deserve this", you might have turned down those opportunities because you didn't believe enough in yourself.

If you're looking for more ease in accomplishing your goals, then I suggest you take the time to explore this.  If you can be completely honest with yourself, you might find there are a few reasons you hadn't been aware of, that stand in your way.  Once you identify them, the next step is to remove them.

Is it easy? Not always. But as you practice this everyday, it becomes more of a habit.   Try it.  See if you can identify the important things you'd like in your life.  Your "noble truths" as they've been called, or your "true values".

Once you've identified them, check on how much you're committed to having them in your life. If it's not 100%, explore what it is that keeps you from being able to commit.  Are there old beliefs from your life?  Maybe messages from parents, siblings, or teachers?  Whatever they are, choose to change or release them from your belief systems.

Two of the tools I use when working with clients, is by using  EFT and/or FasterEFT.  This technique helps access the subconscious mind. This is the part of the mind where any thoughts or limiting beliefs are stored. When you know what the blocks or beliefs are, you can do the work to get rid of them.  EFT is an excellent tool for doing this. It helps to move quickly through them and release them for good.

Some basic examples of beliefs that hold people back are:

  1. Life is hard
  2. I don't deserve this
  3. Nobody in my family has ever done this - who do I think I am?
  4. It will take too much time or effort
  5. My life is too complicated to be able to do this

The list goes on and is personal to each person's life experience.  The above examples are just a few to help you start thinking.

If you want to identify any blocks you could be holding on to, find a time when you won't be interrupted.  Sit down with a piece of paper and write down any messages you heard growing up that might be the culprits.  Anything a teacher, parent, or older sibling could've said. These are usually said with absolute conviction and were meant as a way to help you be responsible in life. Unfortunately, these are the very messages holding us back most times.

Some of these messages also come in the form of what we've observed about our lives or other people's lives. If you take the time to do the work regarding this, you'll be rewarded with better results and more success.

Once you're able to commit 100%, not only will your awareness open up to different possibilities and ways to achieve success, but your determination will also grow.

I hope you'll dare to explore what it is that truly brings you joy and then commit 100% to having it in your life.

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(805) 265-9063
Santa Barbara, CA 93101

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Contact Info:

(805) 265-9063
Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Build Trust in Your Relationships - Communicate Honestly

The people I value the most in my life are the ones who tell me the truth.  These are the ones who have the courage to communicate honestly about how they feel, where they're at in life, and if I'm doing anything to upset them. They also feel comfortable telling me how much they care about me.

Communicate Honestly

Sometimes we're afraid to tell our friends or even our family how much they mean to us.  Maybe we're afraid we'll feel foolish doing it, or they'll take it the wrong way.  But what if something happens, to either of you, and you never took that chance? Would that be ok with you, if this were the case?When we're able to be honest with another person, in essence, you're saying, "I trust you and care enough about you, to be willing to express who I am and how I feel." It takes courage to do.

Live Courageously

I try my best to live courageously - as do my closest friends.  We have an unspoken, and sometimes spoken agreement, to be completely honest in how we feel.  It takes a lot of pressure off the relationship. Neither of us has to worry about whether or not we've done something upsetting that the other person hasn't told us about.  We don't worry that unspoken words will lead to resentments. There's a wonderful feeling of freedom between us because we operate this way.  We trust the other person to hear what we have to say without feeling as if they're being attacked or criticized. There's an understanding we have that says, "I know you're a fantastic person who always tries to do the best they can."  So if we have to tell them there's something they've done which felt hurtful to us, or any other uncomfortable emotion, they know we aren't doubting their integrity as a person.  We also aren't saying we don't care about them or find them flawed as a person.  We're merely giving them a chance to talk about our interaction. We care enough about the person and the relationship we have with them, to work out any misunderstandings.  We care enough to put aside our fears and have the courage to speak up.

We also know the other person wants to hear what we have to say. That we value their opinion and we're willing to hear if there's anything we've done to create the misunderstanding.

When you communicate honestly, you build trust within your relationships

When there's this much trust within a relationship, there's the ability to care deeply for another person. When I have this level of communicating, I'm able to open my heart and take the chance of loving deeply and freely.  I don't worry that my feelings will get hurt. Yes, people make mistakes and say or do things that can come across as hurtful. But when the people in your life care about you and your heart, they take responsibility for their actions and their words.  If someone says something that hurts your feelings, be willing to talk about it. Ask them if it's what they meant and let them know how it felt to you.  If you don't do this, you allow resentments to build. It could've just been a miscommunication.  Or there might be something you did to upset them, and it was the only way they could express it at the time.  It's about caring enough about a relationship to talk to the other person.

When I speak to someone about a situation that upset me, I give them the opportunity to express how they felt, and what they meant.  I'm also giving them the chance to see how it came across. They might choose to change how they interact - or not. It's up to them, but at least I've cared enough about them, and about me, to let them know. It really comes down to how much are you able to care about yourself and care about another person.  Can you express yourself without resorting to anger?  Can you let them know something was upsetting, while at the same time, being respectful towards their feelings? I'm willing to be wrong about a situation, but if I never talk about it, then I'll never know if I perceived something incorrectly. If something isn't discussed, resentments build and relationships fall apart.

How much are you able to put yourself out there - with honesty?

My feeling is. if I care enough about someone to have them in my life, then I owe them the best I can give. Which means being honest with them - when they do something I like, as well as when they do something that I don't like.

If you respect and care enough about a person, then learn to build a relationship where you trust them enough to show who you really are.  When there's honesty in a relationship, whether a friendship, a family member, or your romantic partner, the ability to be yourself grows.  When you feel this way, you're able to fully trust them with your heart. You're comfortable showing them who you are. They're worthy of your trust. If we can create more relationships in our lives like this, we support other people in having the confidence to be themselves and to show the world who they are.

To learn about communicating honestly by removing any doubts or fears you have holding you back, book a complimentary call.  We can discuss your goals, ask any questions you have and we'll see if we're a mutual fit. 

Contact Info:
(805) 265-9063
Santa Barbara, CA 93101

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Contact Info:
(805) 265-9063
Santa Barbara, CA 93101